
New Life Makeover Goals

New Goals Edition

I am good at keeping my Inbox organized but not my room. I can get organized but not stay that way. For example: I keep paperwork all over the place instead of one central place. I have a couple years worth of filing hanging over my head.  Even after cleaning my closet, I still have too many clothes. I have so many beauty products not being used. So there are some examples.

I know what I need to do. It’s just doing it is the hard part.

My second goal is finally learning how to use my professional camera.  I got it a while ago but have been afraid to use it, for fear of breaking it. My point-and-shoot is dying on me so I really need to use this camera.

My third goal is to read more books. I consider reading a book a luxury I don’t have time for. That is utter non-sense for sure. I just have to get over the guilt of taking the time and reading for pleasure. Has anyone ever felt that way? I feel the same way about TV but I do not want to make more time to watch TV.

Those are it for now. Do any of you have any life makeover goals you are working towards?

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