
PCOS Hair Loss? Fight Back With This Hair Oil Updated 2018


 PCOS Hair Loss? Fight Back With This Hair Oil From Central America

Those of us with PCOS know what a difficult condition it is to live with. The way I think of it is like being hit with the ugly stick. We all know what this condition does to our skin, our bodies, and self-confidence.

One of the things I thought I would never have to worry about is hair loss. I hit the jackpot (from both sides of the family) by having thick hair. There is such a thing as too thick, and my hair was that, too thick. At some point, my hair started to thin out a bit. At first, I was scared but my stylist told me that people go through a shedding phase at some point. After a few months, the shedding stopped and my hair was less thick but still thick enough.

My hair was the envy of all of my friends, especially those with PCOS.

Something happened in the past two years. My hair started falling out and this time, it has not stopped. My hair was also in poor condition. Thinning, dry and lifeless. I could blame on over-coloring, but I had not been coloring my hair for a while.

I started taking special hair vitamins and that seemed to help a little. Then one day my mother came to visit and she was taken back by the poor condition of my hair. She has had her struggles with hair loss that was attributed to aging. In her case, she did not want to take any supplements because she found they didn’t help her. Instead, she was on the lookout for the perfect shampoo or conditioner for hair loss.

One day, she was talking to my aunt who told her about an oil from Central America that helps stop hair loss, makes hair stronger and makes shiny and soft. This oil is called

The oil comes from the extract of the zapote fruit. You will notice it has a similar fragrance to almond oil.  You can use this oil like you would any other hair oil. You can heat it and give yourself an oil treatment or apply to hair and scalp for an overnight treatment.

It also works great on the body. I like to use it as a cuticle oil. One thing you will notice that despite its thick appearance, the oil absorbs quickly into the hair and skin.

My routine with the oil is the following, I use it on my dry ends and the parts of my scalp that is thinning. I do not wash my hair every day and that works to my advantage because I find the best results come with applying it overnight, a few nights a week.

Seeing my Mom’s hair after a year since I last saw her was an eye-opening experience. Her hair was dull and dry the last time I saw her. Then when she came for a visit in August her hair had been transformed into thick, shiny and soft and no longer falling out.

My own hair had the same results. After two weeks, I started noticing regrowth!

The only spoiler with this great discovery is that it is hard to find.

I have been lucky because my aunt has a “source” who gets the oil a Central-America store or from relatives who bring it back to America. However, we have gone long periods of time without it. Because of that, I have searched for it online. One day I found a source, I quickly placed an order. Weeks went by and the store told me they had no idea when it would be in stock so they promptly refunded me.

Recently I decided to do another search. I found the following places that carry the oil and shampoo/conditioner. 

has been used in Central America for many years. I have learned the best results come from the pure oil. Not oil mixed with other oils. However, it is just a matter of trial and error. The oil is inexpensive enough to experiment with different brands.

Let me know if you find a good source for the and how you like the results.

PCOS Hair Loss? Fight Back With This Hair Oil From Central America

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  • Edgar

    Thank you for the Grea Article and information. Both me and my wife have thin hair and feel as if we are losing hair. We will have to try this out and see for ourselves. Thans for the great info.

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