Sharon Tate – David Bowie – Fashion
I saw this Facebook yesterday and I really liked it. The person who put it together did a great job. I do not think Sharon Tate and David Bowie knew each other but I love this song and Sharon Tate so it is the perfect mix.
David Bowie Tribute – Fashion
I woke up in the middle of the night for no clear reason. My phone beeped at me and when I went to look at the message, it said that David Bowie had passed away. I certainly didn’t see that coming. It has been said he kept his illness private. Close friends didn’t know what was up. I have to say I admire his decision. He and his family avoided the death vultures and the paparazzi that would have been camped out of his door. I could go on and one about how much I loved his music since childhood but I won’t. My Facebook feed exploded with Bowie posts,…